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Meet the team: Hannah Uprichard

Meet Hannah Meet Hannah Meet Hannah Meet Hannah Meet Hannah Meet Hannah Meet Hannah Meet Hannah Meet Hannah Meet Hannah Meet Hannah Meet Hannah Meet Hannah Meet Hannah Meet Hannah Meet Hannah Meet Hannah Meet Hannah Meet Hannah Meet Hannah Meet Hannah

First up on our 'Meet the Team' series is Hannah Uprichard, who is our fountain of knowledge for all things social media and is the face behind the camera on our instagram (if you don't know, get to know). But there's more to Hannah than what meets the eye, so let's learn a bit more about her.

Hannah Uprichard is an account executive here at Clearbox, and joined the team in April 2022. Before joining us, Hannah studied international hospitality management at Ulster University. She applied for the job at Clearbox when she was finishing up a six-month post-graduate certificate in leadership, where she was working for loyalty rewards app, LoyalBe.

We sat down for a cuppa and she spilled all about her role here at Clearbox, and more.

Why did you join Clearbox?

“I was approaching the end of my six-month graduate scheme and knew I wanted something new. I was doing social media for that company, but I was interested in learning more about the PR industry. I saw an ad for a position at Clearbox and it just seemed exactly the kind of vibe I was looking for in a job and in a company. I could gain experience in PR and continue with the social media side of things, which I love.”

What does a typical day look like for you?

“I roll out of bed at 6:30am, leave the house by 7am and pick up my pre-ordered grande caramel latte from Starbucks on the walk to the office. When I get in and set up, I get stuck into some coverage checking, emails and team catchups. I tend to get a lot of my admin tasks out of the way in the morning, when my brain is most caffeinated and functioning the best.”

“At lunch, I eat whatever I have packed with me and try get out for a walk, and then I focus on scheduling social content, looking at stats and planning ahead in the afternoon. The drive home takes me about 30-minutes, and when I get home, I eat my dinner and then start on whatever nail appointments I have booked for the evening!”

You are a busy woman, Hannah!

What is the best thing about working at Clearbox?

“I don’t know if I could narrow it down to one thing! The office is always a great place to be, being based in the city centre. The team are just great vibes – funny and supportive and great at what they do. There is a real freedom to express your opinion without backlash or judgement, and it’s such a creative environment. Everyone bounces off each other and there are always ideas flowing.”

What is your dream Glastonbury line-up?

“I have a real mix of music tastes, so this might be a bit random. Elvis would take the legend spot, for sure. Then I would have to say Queen, Fred Again and Paolo Nutini.”

An eclectic mix, I daresay.

What is your fantasy dinner menu? Three courses, each from a different restaurant, any restaurant in the world.

“Well the starter would obviously have to be the arancini from Orto – any flavour. Absolutely stunning. My main would be the seafood risotto that I got in Le Plogeoir, which is a restaurant on a rock in the middle of the sea in Nice. It was SO good and the experience was just top tier. Now, I’m going to sound like I love myself here, but I would want my homemade chocolate brownies for dessert; cooled fully but still gooey and cut into little cube bites.”

Can’t wait for you to bring in a box of these famous brownies, Hannah…

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